Legend of the Mantamaji Featured on Racialicious Blog for Black Comic & Graphic Novel Creators

diversity in comic books, diversity in YALegend of the Mantamaji was fortunate to receive press from the widely acclaimed blog Racialicious this past weekend while we were at Comic-Con San Diego. The post highlighted several talented comic and graphic novel creators of color to see while at the event.

Besides Legend of Mantamaji, author Arturo R. GarcĂ­a also featured Erika Alexander and Tony Puryear of Concrete Park, Cathy Camper of Lowriders in Space, Ulises Farinas and others. Check out the post, these are creators doing great work that need to be supported: THE SDCC FILES: CREATORS OF COLOR TO WATCH AT THE CON

Legend of Mantamaji Featured by BlackFilm.com

Working hard at Comic-Con San Diego, Eric had a chance to talk to Wilson Morales from BlackFilm.com about the inspiration behind the Legend of Mantamaji and why black comic creators aren’t as visible and it has nothing to do with superhero cloaking abilities. Plus the answer to…how do you pronounce “Mantamaji?”

Check out the video below and read the rest of the article here: