Fish N’ Cherries Reviews Legend of the Mantamaji Book One
Fish N’ Cherries, what a great name for a website, and not just because they gave Legend of the Mantamaji Book One a great review.
I feel the need to mention that the magical aspects are visually creative in their implementation. In fact, everything is colorful and visually engaging from the costumes to the backgrounds. This could very well have been another story with a washed out palette to make it seem more adult or serious. But instead, things are distinct and pop right off the page. The diverse color scheme lends itself to a lot of color theory too, especially in the three mystical armors. The red of Sirach shows that he’s a danger to the world, Elijah’s blue represents his devotion to the law, and Noah’s green denotes his need to train Elijah because of his loyalty to his family as well as his service to another cause. There are plenty more in there, I’m sure, but far be it from me to dictate whatever you personally read into it.
Thanks Ronin Reads for taking the time to check us out! Read the rest of the review here.